Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Most Powerful Tool

In order for a business to operate effectively, it has to provide its employees with certain things:
  • The right tools,
  • The proper training, and
  • And policies and procedures that are proven and easy to understand.
Being Christian employees we are called to not only do our paid jobs in a certain manner, but we are also called to know how to operate effectively in the spiritual realm.

As Christians, we run into as many problems and issues and difficulties as any other employees; but we know how to apply the right tools to get out of those situations unscathed! And of course the “right tool” is prayer. Actually, prayer is the ONE tool that you can use in absolutely any circumstance at any time and be assured of a reasonable outcome.

Remember the scripture that says, “All things come together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose?” Does that mean we can just stand by and watch people at work do their best to oppress us or lie about us or unjustly accuse us? Of course not! But then again, we’re not called to smack them upside the head either! It’s prayer that has the power.

When you pray, simply state out loud the scriptural solution that God Himself has given you. Say it out loud. The Word is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, but if it stays stuck in your Bible, it won’t do you any good at all. Pray, people!

Learn what the Word tells you about prayer (basically what I just said above…say the scriptures out loud) and then apply it. Prayer is a powerful tool but it takes training to learn how to get really good at it. Find a good prayer group and join it! Learn the Word and do it! Don’t be a hearer of the Word…be a Doer…Pray!

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