Friday, June 3, 2011

Willing But Weak

We’re going to take a backward look at Matthew 26:41. We’re all familiar with it or should I say, we’re all familiar with partof it? But as I said, we’re going to take a backward look so let’s look at the end of that scripture; the part that we’re familiar with:

“The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Most people use this in the context of failing to do things because, even though they want to do something, they just don’t because they’re “weak.” Baloney!

Now let’s take a backward look! Your flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. God knows we’re weak but it’s our spirit with His Spirit within it, that enables us to do things anyway. It doesn’t matter how afraid we are, it doesn’t matter how unsure of ourselves we are, and it certainly doesn’t matter how weak we are. It’s God, not us, who gets things done! If you could do anything in your own strength or your own confidence, you wouldn’t need God! So don’t be tempted to use the “I want to but I’m weak” excuse because that’s all it is…just an excuse.

And speaking of “tempted,” the first part of the above scripture says, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.” In keeping with our backward theme, here, doesn’t it make perfect sense to read the scripture this way: “You’re going to be tempted in a whole buncha stuff unless you watch for God in everything you do and keep praying!” I believe one of the things we’re tempted in every day is the tendency not to go forth on the path that God has set before us because we perceive ourselves as weak. Overcome that weakness through prayer.

Get before the Father every day and watch for Him and pray with Him; then and only then will the willingness of your spirit be strengthened.