Friday, July 1, 2011

Tourist or Ambassador?

Have you ever been to a foreign country? When you were there, did you play the tourist? Did you go everywhere and look at everything and thoroughly enjoy your time at your destination? Of course you did. You probably took advantage of everything there was for tourists to do.

Tourists go to a destination for a temporary visit. They go on their own terms, visit where they want to visit, talk to whomever they want to talk, dress they way they feel like, and conduct themselves in any manner that suits them. And they usually don’t bother to learn the language. Tourists do, however, have to obey the laws of the country they’re visiting or they’ll get into big trouble.

Ambassadors, on the other hand, are sent to a foreign country by their homeland. They go on a specific mission, with specific instructions to accomplish specific tasks. Their time is actually not their own because they represent the Government of their homeland. They speak only to those they have been sent to meet with, they dress in a manner that displays respect for the host country and that reflects the professionalism of their office, and they conduct themselves in a manner that will bring honor to their homeland. And they are always fluent in the language of their host country. Ambassadors do not, to a very large extent, come under the laws of their host country. They have what is called “diplomatic immunity.”

So here on earth…in God’s Kingdom…which are you? Are you a tourist or an ambassador? How do you act? How do you dress? Can you speak “Kingdom” language in a manner that others can readily understand? Think about it, beloved.



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