Friday, July 29, 2011

Staying Alert

There’s an interesting story in Judges, specifically Judges 7:6. It’s the story of Israel’s strategy to overtake the Midianites and how the Lord directed Gideon to send home any warriors who were afraid to go into battle – and 68% of his army left. God then directed Gideon to lead the remaining 10,000 men to water and to carefully watch how they drank it. Some of the men got down on their hands and knees and lapped the water like dogs, and some of the men got down on one knee and brought the water up to their mouths.

God told Gideon to send home the ones who lapped up the water in a “face down” position. I always wondered about that.

I heard a teaching several years ago that I think was quite revealing. It seems as though God wanted the battle to be won in a manner that would leave no doubt in anyone’s mind that He and He alone created the victory. Gideon’s army had dwindled from 32,000 to 300 men and the enemy they were facing was formidable with men who were “as numerous as locusts”. Of course Israel won the battle in spite of the numbers!

So how does that relate to us? Easy. The men who went home for whatever the reason had “better” things to do than participate in warfare. How many times do we know in our hearts that we should be on our knees in prayer and spiritual warfare but typically have something “better” to do? But it’s really just fear. But what about that whole water-drinking issue? That’s easy, too. The men who stayed erect on one knee quenched their thirst while remaining alert to the movement of the enemy.

So I told you all that, Beloved, to tell you to stay alert. Never get so complacent that you forget that there’s a real enemy out there who’s out to get you. The Lord needs you to stay alert! You don’t have to become paranoid because the Holy Spirit will direct you and let you know what’s ahead of you. He will prepare you for the fight. But you can’t win a battle if you don’t see the enemy coming and if you aren’t properly armed.

Gideon armed his men to win the fight; the Holy Spirit has armed YOU to overcome the ruler of this world and win the spiritual fight.

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