Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is God On Your Side? Part 1

Is God on your side?


Oops! Did I say that out loud? Now before you get mad at me, let me explain this audacious statement:

I am privileged to be able to pray for and with people quite often and when I do, I am careful to pray according to God's Word. Our Lord has made the path of prayer abundantly clear and the confidence that we have is that whenever we pray according to His will, He hears us and if He hears us, we know we have the petitions we've asked of Him. So does God really answer prayer? Absolutely!

And that's where the problem starts! Life throws some real stuff at us and people often seek out people of God to help them get through the difficult times. But a lot of folks only want the help, not the Helper. They want God to "interfere" but only when it benefits them and they want him out of their lives when it doesn't benefit them. For example, I met an individual who fell and broke elbow. It greatly interfered with his tennis game and so he asked for prayer. He knew I was a believer and he believed that I really believed. So he figured he'd get healed. He didn't.

He wanted God on his side...but just until he could rehab long enough to get his game back.

That's the thing about dealing with God in prayer - He knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Can He and will He heal anyway? Of course, but it's our faith that sets us apart from the rest of fallen mankind. And without faith, it's impossible to please Him.

So a lot of times when we pray for people, they simply "hope" they'll get healed but they don't actually have the faith to "believe" they'll be healed. So they go away mad and sick and discouraged. They tell their friends that they went to a "faith healer" but it didn't work and well, they really didn't expect it to work.

So beloved, if you're a person of God and an unsaved person in need of healing (or anything else for that matter) asks you to pray, jump at the chance! But always remember that the most important thing you can pray for that person is for their redemption. Jesus already came to save them, their sins are already forgiven, and they're already healed. They just have to believe that God Is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

Help the unbelievers in your life.
Lead them into a relationship with God.
Teach them the scriptures.
Teach them to pray.

Because the only time God is on your side is when you're on His side!

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