Thursday, May 27, 2010

Change Is Good For You

Sometimes we get really complacent in our lives and our jobs. Then all of a sudden, something happens that is out of the ordinary and we realize that we’ve been in a rut…a long-term, comfortable rut. Ruts are good but only if we continue to grow while we’re in them! But most folks reach a point where their growth rate maybe doesn’t stop altogether, but it sure slows down to a grinding crawl.

Habits are the instruments that enable us to stay in our ruts. Kind of like the gauges on our cars that let us know when we’re running low on fuel, our battery is wearing down or we’re due for routine maintenance; our habits tell us when we’re out of our comfort zone. Our habits guard us from facing issues we don’t want to face and protect us from “personal space” invasion.

So when change hits us squarely in the head, we look up, wonder what happened, and then are often forced to change our habits to accommodate that change. Hmmm…growth happens. Especially for those of us who are Christians; we establish set times for fellowship with the Father and the time is interrupted; we watch our favorite ministry on TV but the channel gets changed to a sitcom; we want to eat a quiet meal after church but there are folks coming and going. Do we complain? Do we get offended? Or do we change. Yup. We change. We prayerfully go to the Father and cast (literally throw) all of our cares upon Him and ask Him for the grace to go on. Then what happens? We receive the grace to go on.

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