Thursday, September 15, 2011


ChurchWorks! What the heck is that about? Well, it's about the church stepping up to the plate and really helping folks where it will count!

One of the things Power In The Workplace does, in addition to workplace ethics seminars, is job-search seminars. There are so many people in Brevard County who are out of work and where are they? They're sitting in the pews in our churches. But who's helping them? Are the churches equipped or even willing to take the lead in doing something?

I've been "preaching" for years that the rightful place for virtually any type of community assistance should be the church. But we've fallen short of our obligations and allowed the government of all things to take our place. What can the government do for a hurting soul? And who doesn't hurt after the loss of a job?

We CAN help; we have to do our part. But let me tell you who else is going their part...the Brevard Workforce. I had the privilege of attending a "Faith for the Future" seminar at their Rockledge facility. It was a presentation to create job clubs for out-of-work folks in our community...and virtually every church in Brevard County was invited. About 50 showed up.

Let's get behind this re markably timely initiative and help Brevard Workforce get our citizens jobs!!!!!!
C'mon, church, let's get to work!!!!